Clearing an Absence-
California Education Code 48205: Whenever a student is absent, a Parent/Guardian must clear absences within 5 days of the absence through the following means:
- By calling the J.W. North Attendance 24-hour absence reporting lines at
951-788-7311 last names A-K EXT 63240 or last names L-Z Ext 63241.
- By sending the student back to school with a signed note upon their return to school. The note should be signed by the parent/guardian, include student's name, ID number, dates of absence, reason for absence, name of parent or guardian providing the note and the current date.
- By logging onto and completing the form and submitting. Upon submission, attendance will follow up with verification.
The School District based on California Education Code Law determines whether the absence can be considered excused or unexcused when recorded in the student’s attendance report. If a student is absent for 10 or more days in a year a physician’s note or verification is required.
Important note: Only notes from a doctor, dentist, court or verified bereavement are considered verified /excused once a student has capped at 10 days of absence