Attendance Office Information

John W. North High School Attendance Office Information

Thank You for visiting our page! We sincerely strive to meet your needs as parents and or students of John W. North High School. We hope that you find the information useful and informative. For further assistance, please contact the school attendance office at 951-788-7311 and follow the prompts for attendance.

California State Law mandates that all children age six to eighteen years attend school unless they are exempt by law or have graduated from high school (E.C. 48200, E.C. 48400).  Parents are reminded that they are responsible to comply with this compulsory education law by enrolling students and arranging for their regular attendance. Students age eighteen and older are reminded that schools are not obligated to enroll them or to maintain their enrollment.  Eighteen-year-old students with discipline or truancy problems may be dropped and advised of alternative educational opportunities. (B.P. 6146b).

Unexcused Absences-

Students must have absences cleared within five (5) days of their return to school or their absence will be marked as a truancy. Once truant, allowing students to complete make up work and tests missed during unexcused absences is solely at classroom teacher’s discretion. Disciplinary consequences may be assigned to those students deemed truant. The RUSD will issue a letter to parent/guardian notifying them of the need to attend a School Attendance Review Team meeting at their student’s high school after 18 hours (the equivalent of 3 full school days) of unexcused absences.

Tardy Policy-

John W. North High School has a tardy policy in order to maintain minimal classroom disruptions.  Consequences for students not arriving to class on time may include detention, Saturday school or other suitable consequence assigned by the administrator.  In order for a tardy to be excused, a doctor’s note must be provided.

Clearing an Absence-

California Education Code 48205: Whenever a student is absent, a Parent/Guardian must clear absences within 5 days of the absence through the following means:
1.By calling the J.W. North Attendance 24-hour absence reporting lines at
951-788-7311 last names A-K EXT 63240 or last names L-Z Ext 63241.
2.By sending the student back to school with a signed note upon their return to school. The note should be signed by the parent/guardian,  include students name, ID number, dates of absence, reason for absence, name of parent or guardian providing the note and the current date.
3. By logging onto and completing the form and submitting.  Upon submission, attendance will follow up with verification..

The School District based on California Education Code Law determines whether the absence can be considered excused or unexcused when recorded in the student’s attendance report. If a student is absent for 10 or more days in a year a physician’s note or verification is required.

Important note: Only notes from a doctor, dentist, court or verified bereavement are considered verified /excused once a student has capped at 10 days of absence

Sign Out Policy-


Independent Study-

If a student needs to be absent from school for an extended period of time due to unforeseen events, parents should contact Maritza Fernandez, [email protected] 951 ) 788-7311 ext 63156; Secretary of Attendance, regarding Independent Study Contracts.

Student Withdrawal-

 Parent/Guardian must present identification card at time of withdrawal.  Student must come to school with all text and library books, and monies to pay any fines due.

Change of Telephone/Address-

If you are changing your telephone number/address, please inform the Attendance Office as soon as possible. You will need to complete and provide two forms of address verification.